duminică, 6 martie 2011

Se poarta costumul in 2011 / Suit styles for 2011

Domnilor, anul acesta se poarta costumul. Pentru a fi in trend, cand il alegeti, trebuie sa aveti grija la urmatoarele trei elemente: umeri largi, talie ingusta, pantaloni slim.
Gentlemen, this year the suit is on trend. When you choose yours, try to look for trhee key silhouette elements: broad shoulders, slim waist, slim trousers.
Si la barbati se produce o intoarcere in timp. Tocmai din anii '30 revin la moda sacourile la doua randuri de nasturi.
There is a fashion comeback for men, too. Double-breasted suit jackets were very popular from the mid 1930s until the late 1950s, and again from the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s.

Costumul din trei piese face furori. Trebuie sa reunoastem, vesta a stat cam mult timp la naftalina. Dar acum e timpul sa se "razbune".
The three-piece suits are quite a sensation. Let's face it: the waistcoat has long been a dead item for most men, but thanks to a resurgence in its popularity in men's street wear the waistcoat is back with vengeance.

Pentru cei care vor sa-si ascunda talia, exista si un "anti-trend": sacoul sac - fara umeri, fara talie.
For every trend there is an anti-trend. Sack suit: no shoulders, no waist.

Sursa: www.fashionising.com
foto: www.fashionising.com

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