marți, 4 ianuarie 2011

Prima Surpriza pentru 2011 / First Surprise for 2011

V-am promis surprize pentru 2011. A venit timpul sa o dezvalui pe prima. De azi inainte, site-ul va fi bilingv. Daca-mi mai ramane timp si de spaniola, va fi trilingv. Cine stie, poate in curand o sa am nevoie si de traducatori, nu numai de mana de lucru. Asa sa-mi ajute Dumnezeu!

I promissed you many surprises for 2011. Now it's time for the first one. From now on, the site will be in Romanian and English. If I'll have time to study, it will be in spanish too. Who knows, maybe soon I will hire some people to translate, not only for crocheting.So help me God!

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